Just a few observations I've made today.

  • Why is it when a boy is doing something he shouldn't...and he falls...and hurts himself...and crying ensues, does he get right back up and do the exact same thing over again?
  • Why do children really, really, really want to do something...say, going outside...yet refuse to put on gloves and a coat. Even when they know they have to have them on if they want to go outside.
  • Why do kids want to grab their gunk, when there's poo all over it...and then why do they instantly want to place their newly poo encrusted hands in their mouths? You would think they would learn...but they don't. It's gross.

Something I get:
Why they started making plastic toys rather than wooden ones...After being repeatedly hit on the head and arm with a wooden toy today, I REALLY understand why...and I'm started to question my preference to wooden toys.


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