Let the SON shine down

Have you ever seen someone so entrapped in their own sin that you can barely see the person they are outside their sin? It's like trying to see the sun on a haze filled day. You know the sun's shining down, and at times you can see the rays breaking through the clouds, but mostly, all you see is haze. This weekend I was able to see the sun through the clouds. I was able to see someone break through their sin and reveal the person GOD wants them to be. It was amazing. I was apprehensive about being around this person because they are so aggressively bossy and things always have to go their way. But they let go of some the sin they're so wrapped up in and allowed their love to shine on through. It was amazing. We are all so trapped at times. To see this breakthrough was such a blessing in my life. Thank you Lord for all the teachings you shower down upon me and for showing me how we all can be clouded by our sins. It's time for us all to let the light shine down upon us.


Anonymous said…
"I was able to see someone break through their sin..."

Best be careful and tread lightly when discerning what is sin in others, as this job is yours not.

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