be a JESUS Radical
I went to Chicago this weekend to the JESUS Radicals ~ Christianity Anarchism conference…which in my eyes was neither…but since I hate titles or labels I guess this was expected. It was a bunch of believers, with some non believers sprinkled in, talking about corporate america and trying to find the answers to if JESUS wants us to be in this world but not from it, how do we define what this means, what this looks like…how do we make a difference, how do we 'be different' from the worlds standards? How do we get out of the 'corporation'? Such an amazingly awakening weekend. Discussions were blunt and real. People were raw and passion filled the rooms. JESUS was there and it was simply amazing. I felt HIM cry and laugh and hold our hands throughout. Thank you JESUS!! I can only pray that the things we learned and the people we met will now form together to make a difference rather than simply placing the thoughts and discussions on a shelf to gather dust and going on with their lives unchanged. I pray for myself that I don't fall into this category. I think a blog is going to be invented for information sharing…I'll post it when it comes up but for more info, go to
Things I learned…
1. I have to have faith in my relationships even though I know they will crumble at times. I have to place all insecurities, fear, disappointment…you name it, at the foot of the cross. If I hang on to 'em, I will destroy all good things around me.
2. Control is the work of the devil and will destroy. Control and pride play hand in hand in the dark recesses of being. Although I try to let things happen as they happen I see the dark demon of control in many people and am amazed at how it so easily divides and causes tension. I don't understand the sin of control but have been the blunt of it for all my life. I think I finally understand where some of my insecurities come from and how I need to break that bondage.
3. Community is amazing. I seem to retreat in my little house to get away from those who ridicule our way of life. We're called wacky. Many of our choices in life are against the society norm and it seems to irk people. Maybe because they are convicted, maybe just because they don't want to live as we do. But I think we seclude ourselves a bit so not to feel the pressure of the 'worlds standards'. Which is wrong I know… But this weekend was a wake up call. To be with radical thinkers and doers. To be with people that may not believe everything we do, but at least they don't try to talk us out of things. I don't think I could handle a communal living situation of 500 people in downtown Chicago, but the people really make me want to move there. Thank you JPSUA. I now know that there are people out there that share some of our same thoughts and even though it's refreshing to be around like-minded folks, we must also take the abuse from others. If we chose to be held up in the comfort of our house, we may never be the comfort someone else seeks.
Help me to not be numb. Help me to make a difference and fight for the people rather than being held a captive by my insecurities and the comfort of silence.