mac trux sux
This morning on my way to work as I was merging onto a freeway I noticed a mac in the right hand lane..and seeing that the law states you have to slow down for merging traffic, I continued to go…by the time I realized the mac truck wasn't going to pull over or slow down, I had to make a split decision. Slam on my breaks, causing those behind me to slam on their breaks or speed up and drive around the truck. Maybe it wasn't my most intelligent moment, but I decided to speed up and pass him. No problem, it was close but not that close. The mac decided to flash me, whatever…and I was on my way. Traveling around 72 down the road when all of a sudden I realize the same mac truck is now barreling down my trax. I step it up thinking he just wants to pass but I quickly found out that wasn't the case. I was all of a sudden going 80 with a mac truck literally inches from my tail when then he decides to put on his brights. After a few minutes, he gave up a bit but then tried again to catch up. By this point I'm going over 80 just to get away from this idoit.
I don't understand people. Whether I made a mistake or not, why did he have to try to run me off the road? Is this a pride issue?? I see people doing dumb stuff all the time, but I don't run up to them and try to push them down and blind them. We live is such a fallen world…I don't understand people...
Aren't we called to forgive and love people?
I don't understand people. Whether I made a mistake or not, why did he have to try to run me off the road? Is this a pride issue?? I see people doing dumb stuff all the time, but I don't run up to them and try to push them down and blind them. We live is such a fallen world…I don't understand people...
Aren't we called to forgive and love people?