the mission

i'm on a mission…a mission to find peace in my 40 hr a week gig. i try…it seems each monday I buck up with a new attitude and walk into work with that yeah know, 'i mean business' stride…oh yes..i mean business. so i unlock my door, check the emails and see what i have to get done for the day…what to plan for, what policy to write…and then I get hit. blindsided by the man. and then my 'i mean business' stride turns into the downtrodden shuffle… but each day is a new and each morning I have to lace up those kicks for another stab of meaning business. so secretly, in my little square office, with my swingline stapler and thumbtacks, i start my mission. with my laced up kicks and buttoned up sweater, i secretly try to find that peace in my lil 40 hour a week gig.


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