
I want a relationship with my parents, but I don't know where to start. Sometimes I feel we're too far gone but I don't want to accept that. Nearly every conversation ends in an argument or disagreement about my life and when it doesn't, I end up feeling like a complete failure in their eyes. I just can't understand it and I have no idea where to begin to fix it.

My mom is extremely confrontational and she thinks she holds all the right answers. If I don't do what she thinks I should, she'll tell me. I rarely do what she says. So I ultimately hear her scolding. It affects me more that I let on. It makes me feel like a failure, but more importantly, it pushes me away a bit more and more each time we talk. And it's not just me. I have two brothers. One that's the light of my parents eye and milks it for everything it's worth and the other brother who's a lot like me, who has gotten to the point where he won't even talk to them when they call. He tells his wife to say he's not there.

I haven't seen my parents since June and honestly, I don't miss them. At least when they're gone, I don't get harassed that I haven't seen them in weeks. Now I just get, 'why haven't you seen your brother?' like it's a one way road…anyway, my relationship with my parents has been poor for 7 years or so, but it's been super bad for the past 2 and I wish I knew where to begin picking up the pieces.


Anonymous said…
Hey there - Yeah, parental situations are either pretty good or stressful. Either they accept or they don't. I don't seem to find a middle in any of my friends parents situations.

And what people see of my parents isn't what I get or see, so its alwayas hard from that perspective too.

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