but i want a golden goose daddy!

i feel blah. have been for a while. sucky really. last weekend noel mentioned that we should pray for things we're thankful for and repent our sins but he also admitted that he didn't want to. i love the fact that i have such rock on pastors who can actually speak truths and lay sin on the table. i felt the same way. and by noel opening up, i didn't feel so alone. i want to be faithful and patient and used by GOD but sometimes i feel like i just get the crap truck backing up into my life and loading me up. which is such a poo feeling and it makes me mad. in reality, i'm blessed beyond belief. so, i'm really pissy because i'm not getting what i want. well now, isn't that a bit selfish. so i try to look at the crap in my life and see the lessons i need to learn. yeah, that's not happening either. i don't know, i guess i just feel like everyone else around me is flourishing while i'm stuck in cow doo doo. but what's sad is that the same people i think are flourishing are feeling stuck in the same doo doo. we're just all a bunch of screwed up selfish kids aren't we.



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