i'm just a shy judgemental brat

i sat in the park for lunch reading more of The Gutter by Craig Gross, and ran across this, which i think is cool, since i was just blogging about it this morning...so cool how God works...

he (rob beckey)...likens the modern church to an aquarium. It's decorated nicely, kept clean, and contains only fish that get along with each other, ultimately becoming so pleasant that no one wants to leave. but lest we forget--there is an ocean called 'the real world', a place where fish don't always get along, where bad things can and do happen

We've heard the rallying cry over and over again, to be in the world, but not of the world. but how can you even be in the world if you don't go to the world? when Jesus told us to go into the world, He didn't mean we needed to sit around thinking about it, or read books about it, or bring it up in the next board meeting--He meant for us to go, to smash the walls of our pretty little aquariums and start swimming in the ocean.

although i don't only hang out with believers or keep my space nice, clean and sin free (like that would ever happen! always striving though!). i do, distance myself from people i could probably help, since i've been there, but for whatever reason, am selfish and don't want to deal.

i think this is my main problem. for the most part, i don't agree with what a lot of 'christians' say, think and do. i think a lot of it is mechanical, dead, judgmental and lacks a complete sense of love and grace. but instead of doing something about it, i sit back and ignore them and well, honestly, judge them ( just like with the above comments!)...just as they judge others. i suck

for example, this weekend at church we were standing behind a couple who were laughing at people that were dancing and raising their hands. it totally shocked me and i started thinking if they would spend half as much time worshipping rather than judging others, maybe they would get something out of worship...well, of course IMMEDIATELY God tapped me on my little judgmental shoulder to let me know that i was judging them just as much as they were judging others. argh! again, i suck!

so back to the above,,,how do i crack myself out of my shell, shake of the judgmental thoughts out of my head, love ALL people (even the pat robertsons of the world!(sorry, again, here i go judging!)) and show people who Christ is, rather than sowing them more judgements?

i tell ya what, God has his work cut out with a project like me!


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