my prayer
i'm baffled about this whole da vinci code debate and i don't understand the christian point of view. i don't even want to be writing this, because i'm frustrated but i feel that i have to get this off my chest. i'm frustrated that people associate me with christians. and i hate that. i want to be proud of it. i want to be joyfull when i look around within my community. i want to see people showing love and compassion. i want to see people reaching out to those who need something. but i don't see much of this. for the most part, what i see are christians who condemn and fight battles that don't matter and that only separate people rather than bringing them together. when i look around i see a bunch of people that slander and judge on a constant basis. whether it be marilyn manson, harry potter or the da vinci code, it seems 'christians' come out of the woodwork slandering and making such a ruckus that non-believers get frustrated with the christian community on a whole. i was once told that i was going to hell as i made my way into a porno for pyros show, i've been told that i open myself up to demonic possession when i do yoga and that by reading harry potter, i will be swayed to practice which craft. and now the da vinci code…book after book, interview after interview…it seems to be never ending.
i love my faith. i love my community, but it saddens me so much to see us turning people away with our bigotry and condemnations. i see it everyday in non-believers who have been repeatedly hurt by chrstians who think they need to bring down their beliefs on others. i see it in christains, bringing their beliefs down on other christains. why can't we be more concerned with unconditionally loving our neighbors as ourselves rather than finding every fault they may have? why are we more concerned about what people read, listen to or watch then reaching out to the unloved, the sick, the orphans and widows. i pray that one day i'll look around my community and be amazed to see all of the love, forgiveness and nurturing rather than seeing all the bigotry, condemnation and judgements.
i love my faith. i love my community, but it saddens me so much to see us turning people away with our bigotry and condemnations. i see it everyday in non-believers who have been repeatedly hurt by chrstians who think they need to bring down their beliefs on others. i see it in christains, bringing their beliefs down on other christains. why can't we be more concerned with unconditionally loving our neighbors as ourselves rather than finding every fault they may have? why are we more concerned about what people read, listen to or watch then reaching out to the unloved, the sick, the orphans and widows. i pray that one day i'll look around my community and be amazed to see all of the love, forgiveness and nurturing rather than seeing all the bigotry, condemnation and judgements.
It is so frustrating when people who claim to be Christians seem to be the most judgmental people out there. We as Christians will only turn away the unchurched by telling them they shouldn't do this and shouldn't do that. I think that we should simply lead by example. People don't want to be told what they can and can't do and will most often do exactly what you tell them they shouldn't do.
Unfortunetaly though, I, in turn, find myself being judgmental of my mother in law because she is so closed minded. What a visous cycle we live in!! What to do but pray!!
amen! i agree 100%, kim!