walmart sucks

**mood: shaky
**noise: soul suckers ~ amos lee

y'all know i despise wally world. and i hope y'all know how hard it is for me not to shop there, since i tend to be a penny pincher. and i realize that there are many families out there that need to shop there for financial reasons...but i do ask that you at ;east be aware of their work ethic, or rather lack there of....for more info watch the video or go to

also, no worries, but my breathing has had a rough go the past few weeks, and since i hate taking my meds, i haven't, just hoping it would go away but it hasn't. so i'll make ya a deal...if you could throw up a few prayers for me to get control of my breathing situation, i promise to start taking my meds...please?

thanks ~ and enjoy the video...


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