porn and pancakes

**mood: well
**noise: my new office mate and her top 40 radio station...i need headphones!

steve and i ran across this the other day and got psyched about it. it's put on by Craig Gross of XXX church. steve is getting a group of men together to go. if you're interested, give him a shout, email him or email me… here’s the info

Porn and Pancakes. A morning filled with straight talk about porn and the issues surrounding porn. From the people who get it. XXXchurch pastors, porn industry insiders and people who have struggled without hope. The breakfast is open to men and boys in junior high on up.

The 1st official Porn and Pancakes will be December 2, 2006 at Ada Bible Church in Grand Rapids, MI with a 2nd event on February 24, 2007 at Daybreak church in Hudsonville, MI.

The lineup for the December 2nd event will include pastor and founder of XXXchurch, Craig Gross. Ex porn producer Donny Pauling and special emcee David Dean. We will not make you sing at 8am on a Saturday.

Porn and Pancakes will happen a few times a year locally in the backyard of XXXchurch, Grand Rapids. If you are a church in the area interested in partnering with XXXchurch to host Porn and Pancakes please email

If you are interested in doing Porn and Pancakes and you are anywhere else but Grand Rapids click here.


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