home stretch

**mood: swollen
**noise:hand in glove ~ the smiths

we've made it to the third trimester! wowza. approximately 12 more weeks to go. we had a check-up yesterday. my sugars are super low, my iron looks good, i've gained 19 pounds which is within range (thank goodness!), blood pressure was great and the heartbeat sounds strong. every thing's on track.

but then i got home and looked at what used to be my ankles. i don't know if it was standing on my feet too much or the heat, but i no longer have ankles :-( steve looked at me and lovingly said 'you have cankles'!. thank goodness for him i was in a good mood!

the babe is moving like crazy and that's been super cool. i'm excited for August 23rd to come but equally freaked out!


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