random acts of kindness

i was reminded last saturday how important random acts of kindness are. it's been a bit of a hard road for me in regards to relationships lately. i've felt a bit burdened and broken. and on saturday a newly made friend surprised me with a mothers day gift. i just met this person a few months ago. we haven't even talked outside of church. yet, some how, she thought of me and showered her love down upon me. it made my day. it helped me realize that there are good folks out there. while i was sitting in my little pool of self loathing, i wasn't seeing much brightness around. and then out of no where came this selfless act. it was so cool. i've had a couple of random acts of kindness befall upon me within the past few months and they've really helped me through.

i don't know if you read this my friend. but if you do, thank you. you touched me more that you'll ever know. and for all of you out there that do read this, shower down upon someone. you never know, they may really be in need of some love.

i love y'all


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