email from a friend
i got this just moments ago and loved it. i had to share.
'It's okay to feel all the things you are feeling. It all comes from God. WHY - I have no idea!!!! Things like this are so upsetting. We see people every day who we believe (DON'T DESERVE) to be parents!!! so when this happens - IT IS IMPOSSIBLE to understand. I can picture my Grandpa up there in heaven this very minute giving God the once over on this one!!!i agree...God needs email.
ALL I KNOW FOR SURE - is that as time has gone by in my life - I have understood that everything God has done for me has been for the best. I will never however UNDERSTAND THIS!!!
My belief is this - GOD NEEDS E-MAIL - that way he could tell us what's up and we wouldn't have to wonder, or doubt. I do know this though - It's easy for me to have faith when everything is going my way. I also know there are days when I think - what's the point of it all!!!! Doesn't being a good person and believing in God and loving him with all your heart and living for him entitle you to something?????? NO - God loves all of his children - (sometimes I think NO FAIR!!!!) I sound like I am having a tantrum don't I. Well some days you just feel like it. I was listening to Joel on tv one Sunday night and he was going on about having a good attitude etc. etc. and out loud I said - I ALREADY DID THAT - I AM SICK OF IT - I AM NOT GOING TO BE A GOOD POSITIVE PERSON ANYMORE - then of course I had to laugh because what an idiot am I?????