dream world

i keep having dreams where steve either leaves our marriage or is having an affair. and they're super real. i wake up exhausted because i've been crying and yelling and trying to understand, the entire night. last night he was laughing at me as he was leaving. and i would wake up, hurt and exhausted, to only fall right back into the same dream. they are horrible. and i don't understand why i keep having them. i mean, i've read that it's normal to have dreams like this, but it's also normal to have sex dreams and baby dreams. why can't i have a little sex in my dream? huh? or a baby dream like i use to in my first trimester. all i'm getting are horrible, gut retching dreams of my husband laughing at and leaving me.

i'm sad. and tired. i finally just got up to stop the dream cycles. i think i'm going to be a bit snarky today.


Anonymous said…
OH!! I used to have dreams like that ALL the time. I'd tell Corey about them, and he'd laugh at me. Then I'd be mad. Or I'd wake up mad at him, and he'd be like.. I didn't do anything -- and then I'd be like.. in my dreams you did so that counts. (Like he has any control over what I dream)

Here's what my dream interpretation book has to say about dreams such as yours ---
In most cases, however, a dream about a cheating spouse is not about the spouse at all. Rather, the dream is most likely caused by insecurity, anxiety or guilt on the part of the dreamer. For instance, dreaming about catching your spouse with another partner probably indicates a deep seated anxiety on your part, either worry about your appearance, doubts about your attractiveness, or just generalized anxiety about the future.
Dreams about a spouse cheating on you tend to be fear based dreams. These dreams do not necessarily represent fear of being cheated on, although those fears can come out in dreams. Instead, the fear could be anything, from fear of failure on a project at work to fear of failing a test at school.
ShannaKay said…
i've been having end of the world dreams, where everyone is freaked out and people are scattering and the clouds open up and there are two doors, satans door (grim reaper guarding it) and Gods door (angels guarding it). and i fly.


they're very vivid and scary. i wake up and it feels as if i haven't slept at all.
Anonymous said…
You should pray against your dreams. The mind is Satan's playground. You don't know me, but I've been reading your blog since Noel posted about it. (I'm a fellow Riverviewer). You've had a traumatic past few months, your faith has been tested, and Satan's job is to bring you down with him. He's gonna do whatever he can to steal your joy! Seriously...before you go to bed, remember, you do not have a spirit of fear. Pray that the holy spirit guards your mind, and heart! It works. I've had these horrible dreams about an issue that I struggle with and God always protects me when I ask! :) He's pretty rad like that! I will pray that you have peaceful sleep and happy dreams of your new daughter!

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