scratching my face off

my doc thinks i could have either 2 conditions...

1. contact dermatitis. which i'm usually not allergic to anything, but i guess in pregnancy, among many things, my body chemistry is all screwy which makes things that normally wouldn't bother me, bother me.

2. this is a hormonal rash. which if it's the case, i get to endure it for another 17 weeks.

she gave me hydrocortisone creme, which seems to take the itch away for a bit, but then it comes back and once again i want to scratch my face off. it doesn't seem to be getting any worse, yet to my utter disappointment, it's not getting any better either.

to top things off, we're leaving for florida on tuesday for a week. which i'm supra excited about, yet in the heat (it's going to be an average of the mid 70's) my rash may get worse..since pregnant women can get heat rashes too.

because of all of this in addition to steve's prediction and a gentle nudging for the past few weeks, i think i have to change my opinion on the gender of this, i'm thinking boy. with the crazy amount of movement and this child making me ugly, i'm leaning towards baseball and scuffed knees.


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