
there are a lot of times where i don't feel the baby move, but i can see my belly ungulate or if my hand is resting on my belly, i can feel it. but i don't feel it from the inside...does that make sense? if i can see it, shouldn't i be able to feel the baby move inside? i find this bizarre. i was just standing with some co-workers when all of a sudden they started exclaiming 'the babies moving!'. i hadn't felt anything but as soon as i looked down, i saw the undulation. i just find this so strange. why aren't i feeling all the movement.

now that i look back, it kinda makes sense. there have been so many days where i haven't felt a crazy amount of movement. but as soon as i sit down and try to really feel for the movements, there's tons. maybe i'm just not in tune with my belly as much as i thought. this is very interesting...


The Fabulous Ms. Beth said…
Did they happen to tell you where your placenta is? Sometimes if you have a front facing placenta, that can additionally cushion the baby's movement so you don't feel it as much.

Just a thought. :)
Phoenix Rising said…
interesting! i have my next ultrasound in 2 weeks. i'll ask. thanks!!

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