advice vs criticism

i've always liked advice. i know a little, about a lot. but really, for the most part, it's just enough to cause problems, so good advice is welcomed...but there are some things that i feel i've done a lot of research on. three things are breast feeding, vaccinations and bed sharing. i know there are some things we're doing that are against the grain of society...go figure...and i know there will be people out there with their own opinions, but come on! i still like talking to people about this because i can always learn more, but what i hate are the people who pretty much come out and say we're bad parents for not vaccinating.

i've never understood why people can't do things the way they choose without getting harassed by people. i think some people think they're giving good advice, but really, they're not. my favorite comment i get when talking about bed sharing is 'aren't you afraid of rolling over your child?' ok, do you think we'd choose to do this if we thought we'd roll over on our child? another is 'aren't you afraid of sids?' no, in-fact bed sharing decreases the chances of sids.

my mom, for some reason, has a huge beef with me breast-feeding. the only thing i can think of is she's projecting her guilt of not breast-feeding her own kids onto me. she keeps trying, in her own way, to discourage me from breast-feeding no longer than 3-6 months. she tells me there are no benefits, that my boobs will sag, that it's against societal name it, she says it...of course i come back sometimes with the right info, but most times, i just let her have her say and hope it doesn't come up again...which it inevitably will and someday i know i'll blow a gasket and put her in her place.

see for years she has told me everything wrong that both my sister in laws do with their children. i wouldn't do everything they do...but i don't talk about it because it doesn't matter. every parent does their own thing... and my sisters are amazing moms and they have great kids. so they must be doing something right! but i've heard all about their wrongs for the past 7 i'm just waiting to hear about mine. the difference between my sister in laws and that i'm extremely up front and have no problem sticking up to my mom...this will be a very interesting journey!

another comment i love to get is anything about our choices on vaccines. i laugh at the 'aren't you scared they'll get sick?' comment...again, if we were, do you think we'd make the choices we make? but the last comment i got made me really laugh...when i told someone that we weren't going to get the chickenpox vaccine until later in life, if needed, i was told 'well, i wouldn't tell many people that because if your child spreads chicken pox to someones child, they'll be very angry.' if you don't have faith in the vaccine working, then why do you get it? you'll be angry at me because my child gave your vaccinated child a normal childhood disease? that's great. that makes perfect sense to me.

any way...i think advice is great, and i love getting advice, but what's hard is the criticism for how we choose to parent. what makes one mother any better than the next? don't we all make the best possible choices for our children with the information we're given and seek out? don't we all want what's best? why are there so many parents who look down on how others parent? where does that pride and judgment come from?

whether you circumcise or not, breast-feed or not, vaccinate or not, spank or not, send your child to daycare or name it, if it's right for your family, do it and don't be ashamed. if it's not right for your family, don't do it. but don't confront someone because your parenting style is different. that's silly...maybe instead of putting someone's choices down, you could learn why they think it's best for their family.

anyway...that's my 2 cents...


Wendy said…
I totally agree with you! You have to choose what is best for you and your baby and you never know what he or she may come out like. Jake pretty much refused to breastfeed. Anytime I'd try to put in any of the positions, he would arch is back and scream until he turned bright red. So instead I pump and it works out great for us. It's definitely not right for everyone, but it works for us.
Anonymous said…
Hi, as you probably know, you are not alone on these issues. For yourself, and others...sign up as a safe co-sleeping/bed-sharing parent at
Phoenix Rising said…
wendy, i have a huge respect for you. the fact that you've chosen to take the hard road and continue to give jake breast milk is amazing. if i've never told you that, i should have. going on a year of pumping is hard work. you're amazing!
Anonymous said…
You are one of the smartest, strongest women I know and I am constantly impressed by you. I love your thirst for knowledge. You question things simply because you want the best answer (not always the "right" answer by society "standards", but the best for you and Steve and your children). Just wanted to throw that out and let you know how proud I am of you!
Take care,

P.S. I can't wait to log on soon and hear of a new baby Newman!
missie said…
More power to you!!! I can speak from experience, you will not roll over on your baby. The only reason I can think someone would is if they were drunk or on drugs, which I highly doubt you partake in. I planned on nursing for the entire first year. I was lucky and had a ton of support both at work and at home. Unfortunately my milk dried up when Blake was 9 mos old because I got pregnant with Eva, and I had to stop with Eva at 6 mos because of a serious auto accident I was in. I still feel like I missed out on a lot of time with her. Nurse until you and your baby are ready to stop, every moment is so precious.

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