body image

my folks were up for a few days and it was a good visit, although the entire time i kept hearing 'quack, quack' come form my father lips every time he saw me walking. yes, i'm waddling.  ya know it doesn't help that i've had hip problems since birth and already have a bit of a swagger...add to that my increasing girth and a painful pelvis issue...those tend to make one waddle a bit...oye!

this morning i found out that i've only gained 24 pounds so far...pretty good...they tell you that a healthy pregnancy weight gain is 25-35 pounds.  so, i'm right where i should be.  which was a nice thing to remember after seeing the scale about crack underneath me this morning at the dr's!  HA!  no, it didn't. now, that would devastate me!  

but what made my day even brighter than finding out that i'm not a lard?  getting an email from my brother telling me how great i look after seeing the photo my father sent out to the entire family.  a  photo he took in target when he thought i looked particularly large....nice 

but what a wonderful comment from my brother, who would prefer to tell me that when he was outside the other day he was surprised to see that there was an eclipse...but then he realized it was just my stomach that was covering the sun.  yes, he really told me that in my last pregnancy.

i love looking at my pregger body.  i think it's cool. and i surprisingly don't feel huge and yucky...but what i do feel is tired and run down.  so to hear i look cute or good or really anything other than huge, or wow!  are you having twins?'s sure a nice thing to hear.  

so thank you, to all of you that have commented on how cute i look.  it truly is a wonderful thing to hear.  


Katie said…
I agree - the best thing I ever heard when I was pregnant was "You look beautiful" - and I could tell it was genuine.
However - I did feel rather big, and gained more than the recommended 25-35... ahem. Way to go on staying in a healthier range! It will be so. much. easier. to lose the weight afterward! I'm stuck on the stubborn last 5-8 pounds or so. Those extra pounds, they like me. :)
And you do look fabulous.
Phoenix Rising said…
thank you...and thanks for the weight comment, but i do have to say that since i've been pregnant for 17 months now, minus 3, i was actually heavier than i have ever been, before going into this pregnancy.. .that's why i've been really careful. i kinda have to be. i don't want to put too much weight on my frame!

i seriously can't wait to get this weight off and be able to move properly again! is that bad of me to say?
Noel Heikkinen said…
Should I stop pointing and laughing?

Phoenix Rising said… reminds me of what my other brother would do and i like it. but you are still a stinker.
Katie said…
It's not bad to say - it's nice to be the only person inhabiting your body... although I'm still waiting for my body to be "mine" again - my lovely little girl decided that bottles are a no-go - she only wants me. :) I love it, but it will be nice to (someday?) feel a bit more in control of myself. Ha - the big cosmic joke, right? ... I think I can hear God chuckling at me right now.
And yes, Noel. Stop pointing and laughing. Pregnant women sometimes cry about things like that. (cough-notme!)

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