peta fall-out
in the past few months riv has been hit twice...once with the whole riv brew thing and now for a fundraiser where we cooked some pigs. when it rains it pours, i guess. i just got onto the peta website where they have a nice dialog going of very angry animal lovers bashing us. it got my blood boiling and reminded me of the time while i was in washington when a local native american tribe was given their rights back to hunt whale in their native hunting ways. of course this pissed off peta, and a peta girl decided to try and make the tribe's long boat capsize. thankfully it was being protected by the marines, who ran her ski-do over and broke her arm. after getting done at the hospital she decided to show herself in a reservation bar where she didn't fare too well...white girls, don't think you can just walk into a rez. bar unless you know someone and especially if you just tried to kill a hunt that brought the entire tribe together. silly girl...
being an animal lover and x-vegetarian i can see someone's opposition to the roasting of pigs...especially since their foul personal opinion...but this has gotten way out of control and i truly don't think it was ever suppose to go this far. it makes me realize how careful we need to be with our speech and convictions. what is one person's conviction may not be an other's and if we don't speak with love and understanding and don't have mutual respect to each others convictions, well...then the shit will hit the fan.
i know a lot of time people get sick of my love everyone crap, but i thinks it's so true. i feel that we're all out there with our own agendas and we don't really take into consideration where the other person may be coming from, let alone, allowing them to have their beliefs and letting things be. if i told everyone of you all the things i disagree with you about, we'd be in a world of hurt. but what i've learned in my brief 33 years on this earth, is there are things that matter, and there are things that don't. and i think that it's all the little things in this world that we get so bent up over, that kills us as a society. we need to love one another where we are, not bash one another until we all agree. as if that would happen anyway, we'd just be bruised and bloodied with the same damn opinions because that's just how stubborn and pig headed we are...sorry about the pun.
we should be able to talk to one another about our convictions and beliefs in a civilized manner and unfortunately, as i've read on the peta blog roll, people simply don't care about anything other than their own agenda. i think that's what's so frustrating. why do we all need to have an agenda? why can't we take people for who they are, love them where they're at and not try to find fault in all they do?
i feel really bad for how distorted and discombobulated this whole thing has gotten. i know with one snap decision, you can make a world of hurt for yourself and i truly feel bad for the fall out. whoever wrote the original letter, i thank you for sharing your opinions and convictions. i know your heart was in the right spot. what saddens me are all the people who have perverted one persons personal feelings into the aftermath we see now. it's all those negative, belligerent, false statements made by people who have no idea what riv stands for or does, that makes me remember back to the day i made my way into a porno for pyro's concert through a tunnel of 'christians' yelling at me that i was going to hell.
no matter what your convictions are, no matter where your beliefs lay and no matter now right or wrong you think you are, when you speak with venom, no one will listen. i wish we lived in a world where people would open their hearts more than their mouths.