i slept from 11-3:30am this morning. it felt nice. though when i woke, i barely made it to the bathroom. that wasn't fun! then it was tossing and turning for the rest of the night. waking every 30 minutes to an hour. i was hoping to sleep a bit better since steve chose to sleep in the spare room and i was so exhausted last night, but alas. i woke up at 7 and couldn't get back to i crawled outta bed by 7:40ish. i'm still sleepy, but what can a preggers girl do?
i have to spend time on my message today anyway. so an early day awake will hopefully help since my exhaustion grows remarkably as the day crumbles away. somedays i really miss coffee. beaners and starbucks call me...they tempt me...but i know caffeine is the last thing this child of mine needs. i think one of my ribs would definitely be broken if i introduced that much caffeine!