no progress

still there's nothing. i went to bed again last night thinking...maybe tonight...and then i woke at 2 with nothing happening...and then again at 4...crap!

today i mowed the lawn. i haven't mowed the lawn since i've been married. steve always does's his 'thing'. but i thought,'s hot and muggy and i'm getting my arse outside and making this baby come out!! so i mowed about half the lawn and almost died. i came inside to cool off only to see myself in the mirror and almost keel over. i was sweating like a sailor! what the? i had huge wet arm pits and creases where my boobs hit my belly when i sit. sorry! but it was truly a site. my poor husband! if anyone saw me outside, i can only imagine what they thought. hugely pregnant, sweaty wife made to cut the grass! too funny!!!

so i sat around for a bit longer to cool off and returned outside to finish up. i then of course jumped immediately into the shower and haven't ventured outside again!

so did it cause any contractions?

NO!!! argh!

i bought some black cohosh tea yesterday...that's suppose to start something...that stuff sucks! it's horrible! steve will drink anything and he won't even go near the stuff! i'm starting to wonder if the child will ever come!

i need to stop being so do i stop being anxious?


SnoWhite said…
6-7-08... your little one just wants an awesome birthdate :)
lots of deep breaths.

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