wrapped up in Jorai

2 days before we lost Jorai, my mom gave me the blanket she had knit for her. the yarn was a soft red/blue and white. it turned out as a soft pinkish/purpley. even though we didn't know for sure she was a girl at the time, it ended up being so cool that she was a girl. the blanket fit her so well.

since her birth and death, i haven't been able to put her blanket away. i used to keep it lying across asher's crib, her crib. but then when we transitioned asher into the crib, i had to move it. so i placed it on the rocking chair in his nursery. with it being so cold, i've been using it to keep asher and i warm while i nurse him at night.

last night as we were snuggling, i wrapped him and i up in her blanket and i got the feeling as if i was wrapping us up in her love. i know it sounds silly, but i have so little of her that i can touch. that blanket, her blanket, i can touch. and i can wrap up her brother in it. that simplicity, brings me joy.


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