my love-hate relationship with cloth diapers

when i was pregnant, all i wanted, in my cloth diaper fantasy, was to always place a soft cloth against my child's bottom. disposables are nice. they're easy...but there's something about cloth that makes me happy. i just love the softness of cloth and the cute little apple bottom it gives babies! HA! it makes me feel good to wrap my baby in cloth. but i've had about enough of the leaks.

my friends babies don't leak this much. i can't figure out our problem. it's gotten significantly better. rarely, does asher's diaper leak during the day and in the past month, we've only had a few leaks during the night, but we've had 2 in 4 nights. and the turmoil that ensues is horrendous.

first we have the tell tale waking baby boy who thrusts his hips to the air, over, and over again. then we have the screaming and convulsing little boy when i start to undress him. this continues throughout the changing and redressing which makes it incredibly difficult to work fast. then we have the guilt ridden mama who knows it's her fault for his waking since i was the one who chose to place him in cloth even after my sweet husband told me that we should put him in disposables at night from now on. and lastly we have a very tired little boy who refuses to nurse, yet will hit and pinch the guilt ridden mama until we've both reached our breaking hour later, hopefully, we'll both be asleep.

so, against my wants and dreams of always laying cloth against my sweet baby boy's bottom, i'm moving to disposables at night for the time being. i'm giving up for now. this may last a few weeks, a few months or over a year, i don't know. i only know that i hate watching my baby boy wake up and finding that his undershirt is soaked from his diaper to his neck. i'm sorry bugs. no more cloth for you at night until we figure something else out.


Meg said…
Maybe g diapers would be a good middle ground. good luck
Anonymous said…

I have been having the same problem with disposable. So I went up to the next size even though he was not in the weight limit yet. I do not know much about cloth, but maybe you should go up to the bigger size in cloth. Just a thought.

Heather Sanders

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