private practice

i just watched last nights private practice since asher's sleeping. i shouldn't have. they not only pissed me off, but they showed my worst nightmare. my child dying because i did or didn't do something.

the premise was that a mom didn't vaccine her younger 2 sons because after vaccinating her eldest son, he became autistic. she wanted to spare her other 2 sons from autism while hoping they don't get sick.

while i don't believe vaccines are linked to autism, i do believe they are linked to a whole slew of other debilitating diseases like epilepsy, type 2 diabetes and many, many others including death. on the flip side...i do think they're linked to a healthier society. in my parents youth, there were some crazy diseases out there and a lot of people were affected and died from them.

so i'm in the middle road of when and what to vaccinate for. so far asher has remained unvaccinated. again, i believe in vaccines. they just scare the living shit of of me. sorry for being so crud. but they do. but again, so does a disease.

the middle child on the show got measles and by the end of the show, had died. now, the mom was still adamant about not giving her youngest son the vaccines even though her middle child was severely sick...i would not do that. but her actions and their consequences are what scares me.

she chose what she thought was best for her child and it backfired. i need to find peace about the vaccination debacle. i need to find peace so that if asher reacts to the vaccines, as horrible as it is, i won't look back with regret...and vice versa...though maybe i'll never have peace.

and with mmr...i wouldn't give it to him for another 9 1/2 more years anyway...but there's still diphtheria, pertussis and tetanus, pneumococcal and hib...i hate watching my fears play out on tv for my 'personal enjoyment'.


The Fabulous Ms. Beth said…
sheesh. I must have missed that last night. It's crazy because my hubby and I are just debating about vaccinating Kate when she's born. I probably would have cried if I watched it.

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