Do simple swing sets even exist anymore?
I'm continually amazed at how much info is available on the web when you don't need it and how difficult it is to find info when you want it. A few weeks ago I bought Asher an infant swing to hang from our tree. When I came home to install it, I realized that there isn't a limb to hang it from. Ya gotta love planning!
I quickly got on the web to see how much a simple swing set was. Ya know, a small wooden one that has 1 or 2 bells, no whistles. Something a bit like this:
Well, not only is a small swing set hard to find, but boy, are they expensive! Most of the ones you can buy are those huge jungle gyms with climbing walls and forts and crazy play structures. Something like that would be wonderful, but since I don't have $2000 to waste, and Asher really only needs a structure to hold his $23 swing, I thought that maybe Steve and I could make our own. We're not that handy of folk, so we knew it may be daunting, but they look pretty easy to make. To me, they just look like over sized sawhorses.
I got on-line this morning to search for plans, but I can't find 1 single free plan! You can buy a plan for $50. $50! Seriously?!? All I want is a simple swing set that won't cost me an arm and a leg and I can't find one. Not even a plan for one. This is just plain silly. Maybe I should just find a plan for a sawhorse and super size it! Any suggestions? Should we just shell out the $200 for a small wooden swing set, or should we build one ourselves? Does anyone out there have a free swing set plan we could take a gander at? This really shouldn't be this hard! Why is the internet failing me right now? And why are swing sets so blasted expensive?
I quickly got on the web to see how much a simple swing set was. Ya know, a small wooden one that has 1 or 2 bells, no whistles. Something a bit like this:
Well, not only is a small swing set hard to find, but boy, are they expensive! Most of the ones you can buy are those huge jungle gyms with climbing walls and forts and crazy play structures. Something like that would be wonderful, but since I don't have $2000 to waste, and Asher really only needs a structure to hold his $23 swing, I thought that maybe Steve and I could make our own. We're not that handy of folk, so we knew it may be daunting, but they look pretty easy to make. To me, they just look like over sized sawhorses.
I got on-line this morning to search for plans, but I can't find 1 single free plan! You can buy a plan for $50. $50! Seriously?!? All I want is a simple swing set that won't cost me an arm and a leg and I can't find one. Not even a plan for one. This is just plain silly. Maybe I should just find a plan for a sawhorse and super size it! Any suggestions? Should we just shell out the $200 for a small wooden swing set, or should we build one ourselves? Does anyone out there have a free swing set plan we could take a gander at? This really shouldn't be this hard! Why is the internet failing me right now? And why are swing sets so blasted expensive?
or this:
Good luck.