Yesterday as he was suppose to be sleeping, I witnessed my darling son rip off his band-aid, take the absorbent square off and repeatedly try to eat it. I kept seeing him put something in his mouth over and over again, so I ran upstairs to see if he truly was trying to eat his band-aid, and yup. gross.
Last night Steve told me that he also tried to eat a ladybug as he was talking to a neighbor. He had it in his mouth and Steve had to pry his mouth open to remove it. When Asher gets something in his mouth, he clenches down with all his force and then if you do conquer his chomp and get your finger in there for a sweep, he'll bite you. He's so lovely these days!
After the band-aid and the ladybug, it also seems as if he was going to wash down the two with a little bird poo. Luckily Steve was able to catch him before he grabbed it, but he was walking right for it. The stinker!
What is it with little boys that the sight of any thing gross, impels them to eat it? I love you my sweet son, but you're kinda gross.
Last night Steve told me that he also tried to eat a ladybug as he was talking to a neighbor. He had it in his mouth and Steve had to pry his mouth open to remove it. When Asher gets something in his mouth, he clenches down with all his force and then if you do conquer his chomp and get your finger in there for a sweep, he'll bite you. He's so lovely these days!
After the band-aid and the ladybug, it also seems as if he was going to wash down the two with a little bird poo. Luckily Steve was able to catch him before he grabbed it, but he was walking right for it. The stinker!
What is it with little boys that the sight of any thing gross, impels them to eat it? I love you my sweet son, but you're kinda gross.