Teething blister?
3 days ago I noticed a huge bump on Asher's lower right gum. I figured it was a molar coming in so I didn't give it much thought, although I was surprised a bit at it's size. At his 1 year appointment, which was really at 13 months, he was in perfect health. 32 1/4 inches tall and 25lbs 10oz. But when I asked her about the molar, she seemed a bit surprised about the size and she didn't feel any tooth underneath. She told me not to worry. He doesn't have a fever, his glands aren't swollen, she just wants me to monitor it. She's also referring us to a pediatric dentist in case things don't clear up by next Friday.
Have any of your kids had a blister above one of their teeth before it broke through? The blister is normal flesh colored and it doesn't appear to have any fluid in it, it doesn't seem to bother him either...but it's kinda freaking me out now.
Have any of your kids had a blister above one of their teeth before it broke through? The blister is normal flesh colored and it doesn't appear to have any fluid in it, it doesn't seem to bother him either...but it's kinda freaking me out now.
When Olivia got her first molar she had a little blood blister over it. I was nervous so I checked out Dr. Sears site...My thought is that maybe it's starting to come through but not able to be felt yet but it caused a bit of irritation so it blistered a bit. Here is what Dr. Sears said...
Some babies experience exquisite pain and swelling during molar teething. If allowed to look, you may notice a mound of swollen tissue around a budding tooth. Don't be alarmed if you notice a mushy blue blister above an erupting tooth. This is actually a collection of blood beneath the superficial layer of gum tissue. These painful swellings are best treated by cool compresses (for example, popsicles), which soothe the swelling.
I hope this helps put your mind at ease a bit. :)