Abiding Hope collages
here's a beautiful babyloss mama who makes memorial collages and posts them on her website. Her website is Abiding Hope Collages and like most babyloss mama's, she provides this memorial for free. You give her a few words or phrases that describe your child and even foot prints if you'd like, and she creates beautiful memorials. Here are the ones that she made for Jorai and Selah. I've turned them negative to better see them.
here's a beautiful babyloss mama who makes memorial collages and posts them on her website. Her website is Abiding Hope Collages and like most babyloss mama's, she provides this memorial for free. You give her a few words or phrases that describe your child and even foot prints if you'd like, and she creates beautiful memorials. Here are the ones that she made for Jorai and Selah. I've turned them negative to better see them.
They are beautiful!! I think about you and your family more than you know. I know you have the strength to bear this weight that has been put on you and I am so proud to call you a friend. Call anytime if you need anything, playdates, playing with Asher while you nap, talking.