potty training 101

I need advice!

Asher is starting to show signs that he may, in fact be ready to start potty training. Of course I'm not going to pressure him, at all...but I do want to have some things ready and start introducing the concept to him.

Yesterday, as I was in the bathroom doing my hair, Asher came in, climbed onto the toilet, which was the first time he's ever done this, and started pushing to poo. He them climbed down and laid himself over his foot stool to finish the job. The laying across something for leverage has always been his preferred method of poo. Later in the day, he again, brought something to me, to show me that he needed to go.

Now, I'm trying not to get excited here. And I definitely do not want to push him in any way, I just want to start introducing him to things.

So here are my questions:

What potty's do you like? I'm looking for a potty seat for the toilet. We have a Bjorn potty chair and I think I may get another one for upstairs, but I was impressed that Asher knew to use the toilet for poo. We've had the potty seat in our living room for months now. He goes to it, sits down and grunts...but he's never gone to it when he's actually had to go.
Any advice for boys?
I actually never thought we'd even be discussing this at his age. He typically could care less that he's wet or dirty...but with his new development, I figured it couldn't hurt to just start talking to him and introducing things to him.


Mandie Oliver said…
as a mother of four children who were out of diapers completely at the age of two, the best thing that worked for us was letting them go naked from the waist down. i never had kids play in their poop or make big messes with their pee and poop. for me, i never used the little potty (they're gross and smelly). potty seat with a stool is the best method (for me).
i have friends who have used the naked method because of me and it worked.
(but that is just my two cents. you know how parenting tips are. no one tip fits all)
I potty-trained my nephew and just got one of those little seats that fits on the toilet seat. He would climb on the step stool and get himself up on the "big potty"..
Phoenix Rising said…
Thanks beautiful ladies!

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