Just sitting here, at the end of my rope.

Today has been one of those mornings. A morning where you're embarrassed that you're a mom to a child like yours and the mere thought of that, makes you sick and ungrateful as well.

I have loving and tolerant friends. I know they love me and put up with my child, but I'm afraid that a day is coming where no one will want to play with us anymore. And that saddens me. I would totally understand it. But it saddens me.

Asher is a loving, good kid. I love him dearly and madly. But at times he can be an aggressive bully who pushes, pinches, bites and hits. We've tried all kinds of discipline. We've tried calmly talking to him, time-outs, punishing him back, yelling at him...nothing helps. We've started instituting a new rule where if he fights over a toy, uses it as a weapon or throws it, he loses it for the day. Which seems to be working...but what do you do when it only involves him being violent to another child? We're going to start giving him 1 warning and 1 warning only. If he touches another child with his teeth, hands or feet in a non-loving manner, he will be taken away from the situation for the rest of the day. If we're at the park or someone's house, we will leave. If it's at our house, he will be taken upstairs where he will play alone until people leave.

Today he lost his privilege to play with any friend or watch any tv for the rest of the day. Which will make an interesting day since we're also down 1 drumstick from him throwing it at me earlier. But I'm sick of his behavior and I sick of feeling like a failure as a mom and I'm sick of worrying if my friends will stop playing with us because my son is so violent.

I'm just at a loss. I know it's partially a boy thing. I know it's partially a personality thing. But I'm sick of making excuses for him. I no longer care if my day is ruined by having to spend it locked in the house, alone with a toddler. I'm just not going to deal with this behavior any longer. And I'm sick of being on edge and at times, losing it and being violent back at him. I must confess, after watching him push down and then slap a 1-year old across the face today, I picked him up and slapped him hard across the face back. I felt horrible. I felt like everyone was watching me and judging me...I felt like I just scarred my child. But what do you do? What do you do when your 2-year old slaps another child across the face? And how does he even know how to do that? I'm just at a loss. I'm a wreck. I feel awful and I'm just sitting here crying.

It makes me feel like a failure. Who raises a child to act like this? It makes me feel abusive. Who slaps their 2-year old back? It makes me feel like an ungrateful bitch. Who loses 2 children and is still embarrassed with her only living son? It makes me feel undeserving to even be pregnant with this child...and it makes me wonder if this is why God keeps allowing us to lose our other babies. Maybe he knows I'm a crap mom.

I just don't know how a loving, happy, sweet child, can turn, and out of nowhere be a mean kid. I want to help him direct his aggression. I want to help him love on other people, not be cruel. I just don't know what I'm doing wrong.


Katie said…
Oh, Kim.
we need to talk. :) seriously -- I'm going through the same thing with Kate and haven't blogged about it because I'm not even sure what to write about. It's flipping impossible it seems.
We should schedule a playdate actually and let our children beat on each other.. haha!
Leesa said…
Oh Kim, please do NOT feel this way! I honestly could have written your exact words with it being about Noah and me. It is entirely his age, personality and that he's a boy. He sounds just like Noah. You are not a failure if you are actually parenting. There are so many failure parents out there who do not love their children as they should. When 1 form of discipline doesn't work, you are forced to try something new. ALL moms have lost their temper and have done something they've regretted. I've done it with both of my boys.

God is certainly not punishing you with you losing babies. I pray that you stop having that feeling.

Maybe our boys can play together and just duke it out! :-P It'd maybe teach them a good lesson. haha
Anonymous said…
please don't say you're a bad mother. and please don't think you are being punished. you aren't and it breaks my heart to see you so upset while there is nothing i can do to help.

i can't offer up any parenting advice whatsoever, but would love to know why in the hell 'spanking' or other physical disciplining of children by their parents is so taboo these days?

given the same situation, i would have smacked my kid right back and wouldn't give a damn what other people thought.

eventually you will figure out what it takes to get through to him.

may the force be with you!
Phoenix Rising said…
Thanks ladies.

I've learned more and more that I have to be diligent in policing him. Sometimes I don't see what has happened and I think sometimes he gets blamed for things he hasn't even done because he's the closest one...so not only do I not know what he's done...I don't even know he's truly done it. I think I just need to be on him 24/7 when he's around others. I need to focus on him and not have conversations with others...which sucks, since I need the mama time...but, this is more important.

Do you think he's old enough for that? He's only 2. I'm not sure he could grasp that...and the tower thing would definitely not work! HA!!! Every time we try to build a tower with him he knocks it over! He would think it's a game.

What I've started doing is taking away his privilege to play with his friends or watch his shows for the rest of the day. I think for him, taking these privileges away will make much more of an impact. He also is only getting 1 warning. We'll see!

Beth, We do need to get together!! Although he tends to be more violent to little ones and I'd be worried for Maggie.

Leesa, I'd love a playdate!!!

Julie, I wish you had 1 year of parenting advice to give me. Thinking of Evel and you these days!!! Thanks for the support. I truly appreciate it.

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